Hi, I'm Natalie.



If we haven't met yet, you should know I'm not like most business coaches... I approach the business industry with a very unique take combining mindset, heartset, and business strategy to optimize the business and you, the human behind the business. Lately, it seems like the industry is one way or another. It's either all your money mindset or it's lean, mean, strategy machine...and the reality is it's so much more than that. It's about focusing on the business through strategy, principles, and business foundations that work, but also focusing on you, the human behind the business, overcoming your fears so you can start playing bigger because right now you're playing small...you're questioning what to say on stories, what to post, even though you know your voice is meant to be heard, that you're meant to write a book, speak on stages, or impact thousands of lives. 

I'm the girl for you if you're a dark horse, you're often underestimated, overlooked, you've had someone in your life tell you that you couldn't achieve your dreams, but deep inside you HAVE ALWAYS KNOWN you're meant for more, you're kind & ambitious, and you're here to make an impact. 

I'm the girl for you if you want to be jetsetting the world while running your business(es). I've been doing this for years! 39+ countries and counting....

I'm the girl for you want to leave a lasting legacy and mark on this world. Through my meditations and ecommerce business, I've had the absolute pleasure of impacting and touching over 100,000 lives and I'm ready to make that to 1 million through helping you amplify your voice & your message through your business with heart.


Overlooked to Overbooked - 3 Step Framework for a Profitable Business


Learn my signature, step-by-step method on how to build a profitable online business  without already having a boatload of clients or followers, 40 hour weeks, missing time with friends or family, or leaving your passions or heart behind.

In it, I'll share the 3 common mistakes that are causing you to see no growth in your business and commas in your bank account. 

I'll also share the exact strategy that allowed my clients to grow their following, LAND DREAM CLIENTS, AND HIT THEIR HIGHEST REVENUE MONTH YET.



Elevate - The Mentorship

3 month - 1:1 Private Coaching & Mentorship

Picture yourself a confident entrepreneur, signing clients daily and making more than you ever thought was possible, and having more free time and freedom than you have ever had before. (If reading that made your heart stop for a second, you NEED to join this program!) This is what you can expect when you join Elevate. Whether you're just getting started or already established and need a re-vamp or fresh start, you will undoubtedly & confidently set yourself up for success.

Apply for Elevate

VIP Days

4 hour experience + 2 weeks of messaging support

This is an intensive, 4 hour experience for the entrepreneur craving immediate clarity & action steps, who wants an assessment and audit on every department of their business and how they can improve it. 





Apply for a VIP Day

Kind Words

...and there's a lot more


"I feel like I've found my sister in business, I feel supported, cheered-on and like I've got a secret weapon in my back pocket. It's so validating to have someone support your ideas so wholeheartedly. And it's not even "just support". I feel like you're personally invested in making my dreams happen."










"Choosing Natalie as my coach and mentor has been one of the best business decisions I have ever made. (Not exaggerating one bit)

I not only have someone I can turn to for advice and a fresh perspective, I have someone who is truly invested in my business as I am.

She approaches coaching with a genuine care and understanding that I feel truly seen and heard.

Nat has even helped me work through insomnia and migraines - going above and beyond to support me and my business in a holistic way that I am SO thankful for. 🫶

I have learnt SO much from her in just a few weeks of 1:1 coaching and this time has been priceless. 🙌"


"On top of the bi-weekly coaching calls, I've LOVED having access to her member only trainings! They're like personalized masterclasses and filled with SO much value!"











One Place to Manage All Departments, Tasks, Activities Build A Successful Online Business

This Notion Template is like nothing you've ever seen, a full content marketing & story planner, a full walk through of your brand identity, a place to store your brand assets, offer details, contracts, and also track your leads & sales. Shall I go on?? 

This is the same Business Hub my clients inside of my private mentorship, Elevate, use and the same one I use to manage both of my businesses.

It's a game changer, honestly...

You're about to be the most organized CEO.

from the gram

Listen to The Business With Heart Podcast 

Conversations, lessons and stories around building your business, life, and everything in between. Tears, laughs, inspiration, motivation, and sometimes the tough love and kick in the a** you need.

Listen Now on Spotify

Straight off the press

Read Natalie's blog for all your Q's answered.

How do I sell without sounding salesy?

May 07, 2024

How do I market my business?

May 07, 2024

How do I find my niche?

May 07, 2024