I help kind-hearted ambitious women go from self-doubt & feeling like they’re not good enough to tuned in, convicted, and wildly successful.




Worthy - Signature mindset course to overcome the fears (of failure, judgement, rejection, being seen), imposter syndrome, perfectionism, and people pleasing. If you identify with ANY of those, this course is MADE FOR YOU. Worthy is for you if you’re ready to step into the spotlight and be seen, walk on stages, and know with full conviction that you are worthy of everything you desire.

Subliminal Sales - Signature branding, marketing, and sales course to create effortless sales in your business without the sleazy tactics or having to give hard pitches.

One & Only - Join the Waitlist - Signature heartset course to become the one & only for dream clients and a magnet for a connected community. This course is for you if you’re ready to create content easily & effortlessly, turn your story into sales, promote embodied offers that are TedTalk worthy and be so in your lane & unphased by what’s going on around you. You need nothing outside of yourself, you stand out without having to try, and your dream clients KNOW you’re the One & Only.


Clarity Call - 30 minute call to move from confusion & overwhelm to quick clarity.

VIP Day - An intensive half day experience where shift happens fast. We break down the gap of where you are now and where you want to go, then create the action plan to get there. Mindset, heartset, strategy, it’s all on the table.

Private Mentorship - Intimate 6 month container with unlimited coaching & Natalie by your side every step of the way.

Integrity. Intuition. Impact. Influence.

Integrity. Intuition. Impact. Influence.



Hi, I’m Natalie! Mindset, Heartset, and Business Coach/Mentor.

But that’s just one part of me. I’m also a world traveler, love iced lavender lattes, can’t wait for the day I get a dog, and there’s not a day that goes by where you won’t catch me outside enjoying the sun.

My journey into business started at a young age. I grew between two households, one with my dad and stepmom who were entrepreneurs and one where my mom and stepdad worked 9 to 5s. I saw BOTH and I unconsciously chose the entrepreneurship life. From a young age, I’d sell at tradeshows or learn how to run Facebook ads from my dad. It was ALWAYS in my blood.

But I didn’t know that. I studied politics in college and went to work in that industry until I decided it was time to make changes and do what my heart truly called for.

In 2019, I discovered personal development, meditation and dove deep into that world, allowing it to transform every aspect of my being.

In 2020, I took the tool that transformed my anxiety and insomnia and I started teaching meditation for corporations working as a consultant.

In 2021, I lost my friend to suicide and created You Are Enough Co. a mental health apparel company.

In 2022, that business was published in Cosmopolitan Magazine among names like Selena Gomez’s Rare Beauty, MantraBand, and Toms…the twist…I never acknowledged that success until late 2023 when I started doing deep success work which is part of what I help clients with now!

In 2023, I pivoted from teaching meditation for corporations and decided I wanted to help people build a work environment they love (AKA their own business!) Enter my business coaching era…

2024, I dove into creating my signature offers and expanding my business coaching all while my mental health apparel company has run itself on autopilot and generated a 400% increase in sales this year.

I’m here with a deep mission to serve. To help you believe to your bones that you are good enough, that your calling is calling you, to create a legacy through your business and a life that you genuinely love.

Free Masterclass: Embracing Your Authentic Self

My love letter to you….

I know what it's like to not believe you're enough, to doubt whether you're capable or worthy of having the success you've always dreamt of, whether or not that silly idea you had to start a business will actually pay off or is it just a pipe dream and was everyone else around you right. I know what it's like to be doubted by teachers, friends, family who tell you "yea right" or "good luck" as they laugh at you or "you'll never achieve that you're (fill in in the blank - you know exactly what I mean). 

What I do know is that despite all the doubters, this calling you have is also calling you. I know that you are 100% worthy and capable of having it all and it absolutely gets to be this good.I know that you're here to change lives, walk on stages, be known in the world, and ultimately to share your light when so many people around you have tried to dim it. ​

I'm here to help you bring your message to the light, you into the spotlight, and to feel wildly worthy and successful of having it all.

I'm here for you every step of the way. I see you. I love you and I know you are absolutely enough.

Love always, Nat

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